How many times have you began to see your bank account decline and gotten worried. You begin to think about all of the things that you didn't even need and regret all of your random purchases. What would help is if you'd simply write out your needs first. Next, Handle them— first! Then see if you have any to play with.
Another thing that helps is to question yourself. Ask yourself a second time, "Do I really want these?' A lot of times you'll realize that you make purchases based off of your environment and not yourself. This is true for all of us. We live in a society that tells us what we need instead of letting us figure it out for ourselves.
Think about this, if all the billboards were blank and there was no such thing as commercials or product placement would you "need" your Starbucks or Redbull in the morning? Would you "need" those Nikes to run during your afternoon workout? Where would you be without Burger King?
This man has disciplined himself enough to figure it out and that's why he receives Bring Life Blogs: Special Place in Heaven Award!
-Bring Life.
Very Interesting