Thursday, June 28, 2012

What is Poor?

To understand what poor is we have to understand what is valuable, and what may be valuable to you may not be of any worth to me. -JT

I was talking to a friend one day and she said "Money is only equivalent to the thought we give it. If somebody with the power to do so said we are changing our currency to plastic forks, people would rob steal and kill for plastic forks." Now, of course it wouldn't be that easy but it does make a very valid point. Whatever you put your belief in creates value. This changes many perceptions on what it means to be rich or poor.

When thinking of being rich the first things that come to mind is this Hollywood example. Buy all of the top designers, eat at the fanciest restaurants, drive the best automobiles, and live in the biggest most furnished homes imaginable. This isn't a bad thing at all! Who doesn't want these things? The hard truth  is that all of these things will eventually go out of style, decrease in value, and rot. Like, literally... rot.
There are  things that will never rot, some that will determine wether we can even use our materials. I'm speaking of Love, Health and a Right Mind!

Health can decrease and we will all eventually pass away from here, but while we're still in strong bodies, with the activity of our limbs we  have a reason to be joyful. We can go about our day knowing that our physical beings aren't in any harm. You may have to go through a health issue to understand the magnitude of that sentence, and don't let me begin to talk about a right mind! How many people do you see daily that can't control their minds? It's a frightening thing to think I wouldn't have any self control, BUT I DO! That's a blessing!

LOVE! what is more greater than Love!?!? NOTHING! Love will never die and it is our ticket to a greater life, here and after. It is the most beautiful, most lasting thing we can give. If you give a man $20 he will be so thankful but may forget that you gave it. But give a man encouragement when the world is on his shoulders. When it seems that all the odds are against him. Comfort that man when he believes his life is ruined. Understand him when he doesn't understand himself! Be kind to him when he is being an absolute jackass to you. This, he will never forget.

So what is poor? Is it not having the latest everything and barely being able to afford anything? Or, is it going through life with a frown, not understanding how rich we really are.

-Bring Life.

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